Saturday, January 18, 2014

R&D: Hopscotch [2] Brainstorming Session

  1. Nerf guns to defend territory Boxes or desks to block the sight of whoever’s “it”
  2. Blankets
    1. capes to duck under
    2. curtains to hide behind
  3. Sticks to reach things outside of the designated squares
  4. Light switch; dark room vs light room mean different things in gameplay
  5. Oculus Rift: immersive? (interesting thought, beyond scope of this project)
  6. Dance pad
  7. Pressure sensors: tell if player falls outside
  8. Multiple choice clickers: everyone anonymously chooses where to go using clickers, person who is ‘it’ reveals majority. Majority rules. Last person to hop there is it.
  9. Dice: roll to determine where to go next
  10. Hanging metal course: monkey bars
  1. Dodgeball: working against other people on a similar court on one foot
  2. Tag squares: larger court, some squares for two feet, some for one
  3. Face-off cowboy style: First to center wins
  4. Race: go in parallel against other players
  5. Whack a mole; other players throw things onto the court, timer to how many you can hit
  6. Larger court, get as many flags as you can in the time given
  7. Sneaking: red light green light (tip-toeing)
  8. Squares disappear; flood?
  9. Hop back and forth over a border
    1. River?
    2. Country borders?
  10. Try to reach objects just outside of your reach in the squares
  11. Squares have two meanings; change on timed intervals
  12. Larger gaps between squares; jump onto islands
  13. “Golden snitch”: one person “it”, everyone else tries to catch them
  14. Throw cloth “glyphs” at other players’ squares; touching them when hopping incurs a penalty
  15. Teleport squares: appear at other parts of the board
  16. Large course with many secret boxes; secret boxes randomly contain different points, weapons, powerups, etc.
  17. Play in a cornfield; duck down in corn to hide from person who is “it”
  1. Piano keys
  2. 12 pubs from World’s End
  3. World’s countries
  4. Leaves on a tree: don’t fall out of the tree
  5. Pirate ships: swing to different ships
  6. Moon walking
  7. Diving suit; walking underwater
  8. Islands in an archipelago
  9. Perspective shift: tops of very high buildings
  10. Wizard’s magic circles
  11. Different planets in solar system

  1. Giants stomping around a town without hitting people
  2. Floor is lava
  3. Cops and robbers
  4. Superheroes vs supervillains
  5. Prison escape
  6. Holiday shoppers
  7. Chefs collecting ingredients for a dish
  8. Paparazzi trying to get the best shot
  9. River hopping; hop back and forth over a river
  10. Between solar systems, delivering things, battling: “warp drive”
  11. Ghosts: hop back from the grave to haunt the living
  12. Running from the kraken

[Excerpt from discussion log]
[Dev] It's such a simple game–we should probably start by changing the mechanic. Let's ignore aesthetics and story until the fun part's solid.
[Red] I guess that makes sense... as long as we get wizard battles in there. Wizards are fun. On that note we should avoid anything too complicated technologically.
[Dev] Oh come on, you were all for the Oculus Rift/dance pad combo. It was such a cool idea!
[Red] Well I'm not building it. We're on a deadline.
[Dev] It can't take that long. You're supposed to be an engineer, right?
[Red] Why did they hire you again?
[Dev] Someone's got to be diplomatic.

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